Among the accomplishments of Bocas Sanas Holanda-Maimón the following stand out:
- Approximately 5000 children reached with information and instruction on the prevention of oral health problems
- Approximately 3000 children and adults reached with curative care
- At any given time at an average of six to eight schools children brush their teeth on a daily basis (this is an estimate – measurement is complicated due to the fact that in many schools there are periods no brushing takes place for varying reasons. These range from lack of water to lack of toothbrushes or toothpaste, and / or lack of commitment by the school director and/or teaching staff
By 2017 fourteen schools had received brushing installations
- A 2015 study conducted by a Bocas Sanas team and two oral hygiene students measured a reduction in caries of 30% in schools that regularly engage in tooth brushing, in comparison with schools where no brushing takes place. Clinical observation learned that other mouth health problems also diminished, but this was not quantified. Children reported fewer problems with toothaches and gum infections, which was confirmed by teaching staff. Teachers also indicated there were fewer and less severe cases of bad breath among the children, and fewer cases of absenteeism due to toothaches.
These figures may be improved considerably if the school director and staff are really committed to the program and ensure, jointly with the parents, to the extent possible that children brush daily and well, following the instructions given
For more information see the evaluation report of Bocas Sanas, Bocas Sanas: Hacia una mejor salud bucal de la niñez dominicana. Informe de progreso y evaluación de la ONG Bocas Sanas, 2008 – 2014 (only in Spanish) which presents the results of six years of work by Bocas Sanas to the Ministries of Education and Public Health. The report also contains a series of recommendations for these Ministries to institutionalize the Fit for School system in the Dominican Republic.